Haig Housing’s policies are summarised in the PDF files below. These summary policies constitute the Tenants Handbook and Information Pack, a copy of which was issued to you by your Housing Manager at the start of your tenancy.
The information here supersedes any former information prior to April 2006. Haig Housing is no longer a Registered Social Landlord therefore any references in the Pack referring to the Tenant Services Authority are no longer relevant. Full copies of any of these policies are available on request. The Transfers Policy link below also leads to an Application Form and copy of the full policy.
Please note: As of June 2020, some policies and their summaries are under review and the information stated in these may now be incorrect. If in doubt or if you have any other queries, please use the Contact Us form or call the Trust on 0208 685 5777
Additional Home Assistance Scheme
Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) and Nuisance
Moving Out (Terminating Tenancies)