The Community Fund is a new fund to enable tenants to carry out small projects to enhance their local communities.
The Community Fund Panel (CFP) will consider up to 10 bids each year from residents which need to be costed at not less than £500 and no more than £1000.
Projects need to:
- benefit a sufficient number of residents on the estate
- be properly costed and have a measurable outcome
- be delivered and maintained by the residents
- deliver something that Haig Housing would not normally provide
These could be things like:
- improvements to communal areas e.g. flower beds, allotments or benches
- support for a befriending service for residents
- community activities through a tenants’ group – e.g. coffee mornings or local clubs
- equipment for communal benefit
Who can apply
Staff or residents can put forward an idea, which must be supported by a number of tenants. The CFP will look for projects which have a clear impact and benefit to the community and clear evidence that residents will make the scheme a success.
How to apply
Please speak to your Housing Manager about your ideas and once you have the costs, please complete the application form.