Electric vehicles (EV’s) are a crucial step to decarbonising our transport system and reducing air pollution through zero tailpipe emissions. For support with your home EV charger, please refer to Haig’s following guides and FAQ’s:

EV Chargers Policy
EV Chargers Fact Sheet

Do I need your permission to install an electric vehicle charger at my property?

Yes, as landlord and owner of the property, you will need our permission. Please complete a Tenant Improvement Request Application form.

What information do you need to be able to give me permission to install an EVCP (electric vehicle charging point)?

There are a number of factors we have to consider when granting permission for you to install an EVCP such as, do you have your own dedicated off-road parking space and if yes, do you have adequate access to your electricity supply and is there capacity to be able to install one? All EVCPs have to have a dedicated supply going directly to your home’s consumer unit (fuse board) and cannot be installed off another supply within your home. You also cannot install a charger where the cable to your vehicle will trail across any footpaths or pavements etc – even for a short period.

Are there any grants/financial assistance available for help with the cost of installing my charger?

The Government’s Office for Zero Emission Vehicles (OZEV) has recently made some changes to the way you can claim a grant towards the cost of an EVCP. This means people who live in rented accommodation can apply for a grant of up to £350 towards the cost of buying and installing the charger, more details can be found here.

Haig Housing are building a partnership with Pod Point and would recommend them as our preferred EVCP supplier.  To access their grant supported install, follow this link or call them on 020 7247 4114.

Haig Housing will not pay for any costs associated with your EVCP installation such as ground works to lay cables, additional wiring or alterations to your household electrics which may be needed to accommodate the power supply of the charger.

If I can say yes to the above, are there any ‘rules’ about who installs the charger and any documentation I need to provide on completion?

Absolutely yes. Electric Vehicle Chargers can be very dangerous if not installed correctly and must be fitted by a fully qualified and competent electrician who is a registered installer under the Governments OZEV scheme. All chargers should have RCD built into the unit and be installed in accordance with:

  • BS EN 61851-2:2022
  • The current edition of the IET Code of Practice for Electric Vehicle Charging Equipment Installations (as amended)
  • The Electricity Safety, Quality and Continuity Regulations

Upon completion, your installer should provide you with:

  • Minor Electrical Installation Works Certificate
  • Building Regulations Certificate of Compliance

which you must send copies of to us. Your installer should also notify the District Network Operator (DNO) of the installation by completing and submitting the relevant form. Haig requires the tenant to pass these documents onto to us for our records.

Haig Housing are building a partnership with Pod Point and would recommend them as our preferred EVCP supplier.  To access their grant supported install follow this link or call them on 020 7247 4114.

What happens if I don’t have my own dedicated parking space or have easy access to my electricity supply or cannot charge without trailing cables?

As an organisation with sustainability high on our priorities, Haig Housing is currently evaluating a number of schemes where we can install communal chargers on a ‘pay as you go’ basis and will be happy to listen to any request to install one on your site. If this is of interest to you, please email [email protected]

Unfortunately, we cannot always say yes as there are some circumstances where we cannot install one for various reasons, but we will consider your request and advise you of the outcome. Please be advised that this can take some time so you may want to give us plenty of notice before committing to purchasing an electric vehicle as it may not always be possible.

If Haig installs an EVCP on my drive, will this affect the service charges I pay even if I don’t use it?

No. All chargers we install will be charged to users on a pay as you go system utilising an app so you will only pay if and when you use the charger and will not affect anyone else’s service charges.