From Friday 1st April 2022, there will be a change to the current Haig Housing gas contractor for some tenants.

If your gas heating repairs and servicing are currently covered by TSG, from 1st April any new repairs will be carried out by Robert Heath Heating.

Due to the advance booking of gas safety inspections you may receive a call from Robert Heath Heating prior to this date to arrange the service visit.

From Friday 1st April, should you need to report a breakdown on your boiler or problems with your heating or hot water or issues with radiators, you will need to call Robert Heath Heating directly on:

0330 058 6481

Please note: any repairs reported to TSG before 1st April will be managed through to completion by TSG even if the completion is due after this date.

An update letter has been sent to all homes transitioning from TSG to Robert Heath Heating.

If you have any questions, please contact the repairs team on 0208 685 5777 (option 1) [email protected]