Haig Housing Morden Parking Agreement

Haig Housing Parking Control Agreement May 2024

Haig Housing Parking Guidelines May 2024

If you change your vehicle or have any questions about the Haig Housing Approved Parking Scheme, please email [email protected] or call 020 8685 5777.


Parking Guidelines

You may NOT park:

  • Any vehicle which does not have permission to park via the Approved Parking List (where applicable) or which is not displaying a valid Carer’s or Visitors Parking Permit (scratch card).
  • Any motorcycle within a bay, (where applicable), unless parked in a space specifically designated for motorcycles and which has permission via the Approved Parking.
  • Any vehicle or motorcycle which is un-roadworthy and/or untaxed, the Trust reserves the right to request evidence where this is disputed.
  • Any vehicle over 5cwt, this includes (but is not limited to) any boat, trailer or caravan.
  • Any vehicle anywhere other than in a designated parking area/space, you must not park for any reason any vehicle on the grass, footpaths or across any access areas.
  • More than one vehicle on the estate, additional vehicles will have to be parked away from the estate unless a Visitor Parking Permit (scratch card) is displayed.
  • In any space marked for blue badge holders, unless the registration number has been added to the Approved Parking List or a Visitor Parking Permit is displayed. Blue Badge must also be displayed.
  • Any commercial vehicle, which includes (but is not limited to), any vehicle used for a trade, carrying goods or fare paying customers, or any vehicle for which a business or commercial insurance premium is charged/required.
  • In spaces marked for Staff Parking (Morden estate only) Monday – Friday from 8.00am – 6.00pm.
  • In any Electric Vehicle charging bay, unless charging and the vehicle meets parking criteria.

In addition, you may NOT:

  • Reserve any parking space for your own use or the use of anyone else; parking spaces are on a first come first served basis.
  • Falsify, copy, amend or sell for profit any type of Haig permit, or falsify information in relation to the Approved Parking List.
  • Park any vehicle where the registration number plate/s is obscured or covered. In these cases, the vehicle will NOT have the Trust’s permission to park on its land and will be in breach of these guidelines. The Trust’s officers and car parking enforcement agent reserve the right to uncover the plate and check the vehicle’s roadworthiness. Neither the Trust nor its agent will accept liability if the cover or vehicle is damaged in the process.

You may park:

  • On hard standing for a car within the boundary of yourhome. Priority on parking spaces must be given to tenants on the estate who do not have hard standing within the boundaries of their homes.

Agreement of these terms:

  • I understand the terms and conditions of Haig Housing’s Parking Agreement and Parking Guidelines.
  • I agree to park in accordance with the terms and conditions of Haig Housing’s Parking Agreement and Parking Guidelines.
  • I understand and agree breaches to Haig Housing’s Parking Agreement and Parking Guidelines may result in:
    • The Trust revoking parking permit/s (car specific, “Carer” or visitor parking permits (scratch cards) issued to me or to anyone associated with the Haig Housing address overleaf.
    • The option to apply for future car permits being withdrawn.
    • The option to apply for ten yearly free of charge visitor parking permits (scratch cards) and purchase additional, being withdrawn.
    • The ability to park on Haig’s estate being withdrawn.
    • The Trust taking action which may affect the tenancy, held by the tenant of the Haig Housing address overleaf.