Throughout our lives, she has been one constant: an anchor for all of us in an often fast-changing and sometimes challenging landscape. She has been the absolute fabric of our Nation and of the Commonwealth throughout her extraordinary reign. As Veterans, she was our Commander-in-Chief, in whose name we served and to whom we pledged our loyalty. In her long life she has herself served unselfishly and with grace and duty, loved and respected by people of all ages and backgrounds, revered within our borders and far beyond. We loved her and, now, are deeply proud of her service. And while we mourn her we also celebrate her life and all that was good that came to pass during her long reign.
Our Book of Condolence remains open. Please use the link below if you would like to leave a message.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to open the new development in Morden, October 2019
HM The Queen's Funeral
Haig Housing Trust was represented at the Funeral of HM Queen Elizabeth II by our Chair of Trustees, David Williams and our Standard Bearer, Chris Parfitt (seen here at the end of the line of Standards to the North of the Cenotaph). You can view larger images in the Gallery at the bottom of the page.

Service of Remembrance
Haig Housing Trust Chair of Trustees, David Williams, was joined by tenants, staff and local dignitaries for a Service of Remembrance for our Late Patron, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II on Sunday 18th September. The service was led by The Reverend David Heath-Whyte of St Lawrence Church, Morden, our honorary chaplain.
David Williams gave this address at the Service

Morden visit
Her Majesty The Queen visited Morden in 2019 to open Haig Housing’s new development. You can see the video of her visit from our friends at

Royal Patronage
Her Majesty’s patronage of Haig Housing was inherited from her father, King George VI, on her Accession.
Royal Patronage has existed for hundreds of years with the first recorded patronage being King George II’s involvement with the Society of Antiquaries, an organisation concerned with architectural and art history, conservation and heraldry.
These Patronages are carefully managed and over the 70 since her Accession, Her Majesty regularly sent donations to the Trust from the Privy Purse Charitable Trust along with regular invitations to a Buckingham Palace Garden Party.
Her Majesty took a close interest in all her charities and staff and tenants have fond memories of her visit in October 2019 to open the new development of 68 homes on the Morden estate.

A long history
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II first visited Haig Housing Trust before she became Patron.
In June 1949 while still HRH Princess Elizabeth, she visited Jersey in the Channel Islands accompanied by her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, to open a new estate named Princess Elizabeth Court at Greve.